Why should you join the WAT program?
Go to America at the most affordable prices for alternatives, work, travel, have fun.
The Work and Travel Program is a program that you can participate in at very low costs. With these costs, there is no other program in America where you will travel for three months and earn money by working at the same time. The cost of being in America with a language school is at least around $ 8000. Moreover, in this process, you do not have the opportunity to recover the money you will spend because you do not have a work visa. Again, with the money you will spend on Work and Travel, you can have only 10 days and a moderate vacation in America.
Improve Your English
It is difficult to find a suitable environment to improve the English you have learned in Turkey. Whereas English you have learned with Work and Travel, you will be able to improve by using it in everyday life, you will feel more comfortable and safer while speaking English
Get to know American Culture closely
With Work and Travel, you will now be able to watch the America you see in the movies from within and get the opportunity to get to know this culture closely. You will observe and learn about American business life while working and gain serious work experience with it.
Earn your own Money
Starting to earn your own money has a very important place in your life. Participating in the Work and Travel program provides you with this excitement and happiness. With the income you receive thanks to Work and Travel, you will be able to recover most or all of the expenses you have made for participation in the program. Some of you will even be able to get extra savings up to 7000-8000 USD.
Find Cheap Shopping opportunities
As long as you are in America, you will have the opportunity to buy the products of world-famous brands at very affordable prices. In particular, you will be able to find clothing and technology products at prices lower than you can imagine.
Have hundreds of photos and video archives
You will immortalize the beautiful moments you have experienced with a camera or video camera, and you will have a huge Work and Travel photo and video archive. Perhaps these will be the most immortal things you have earned with Work and Travel…
Meet people from all over the world.
Every year, more than 150,000 students from 25 different countries make friends with both Americans and among themselves in the Work and Travel program. Thanks to these friendships, you can visit your friends' countries and even create career opportunities in those countries.
Earn your own money.
Thanks to Work and Travel, you will meet both Americans and other students who have participated in the program from different countries, and you will form close friendships with them. Even after returning to your country, you will always have many friends you are seeing or want to see.
Why is early application so important?
Get the chance to work with the best employers.
The most preferred large and popular employers, businesses such as amusement parks start hiring employees very early. Since the most popular job options in Work and Travel are those, whose quotas fill the fastest, students who register early always get placed in these jobs. Student referrals to employers are mostly based on student registration timing.
There is a first-come, first-served logic in all job placement methods.
In the Work and Travel program, the most popular jobs can be filled by students who enroll early, and if you are a late enrollee, you may have to turn to another job, although you really want it. Because the employer who meets your expectations and wishes may have completed the recruitment of employees before you register.
Increase your chances of getting the job and region you want.
When you register early in the Work and Travel program, work placements may not have started yet. In this respect, you can be a potential candidate for any job that matches your expectations and may come from the region you want to go to. This way you can increase your chances of getting the job and region you want.
Meet face-to-face with employers by attending job fairs.
Companies that participate in job fairs that take place during the early registration period are popular employers that should not be missed in every aspect. For the safest Work and Travel experience, we recommend that you meet one-on-one with the employer and sponsor organization authority. We bring America's most distinguished, most popular companies to job fairs in cooperation with CIEE. Job fairs are usually held in December and February, and students who will be admitted to the fair are accepted according to their application dates, with priority given to students who registered early. Considering that the fair quotas are filled long before the fair dates, a student who registers early will have a better chance of taking part in the fair they want.
Don't have any problems getting your visa appointment.
Applications of students who register late may be shifted to the busy periods of the consulate. March, April, May months are the busiest months for visa interviews. During these months, it becomes difficult to make an appointment according to the student's wishes, or the visa appointment dates may coincide with the student's exams. June July Especially in the past seasons, many students had to wait for a visa interview until the end of June or even July because they could not get a visa appointment. For this reason, students who start their jobs late may also face the danger of not being hired. With early registration, you can make your visa application at an earlier date, and you will not experience all these difficulties.
Increase your chances of getting a visa.
Statistics of the last few years have shown that the rate of refusal in Work and Travel visa applications of students who enroll in the early period is low, while this rate increases for those who apply for a visa in the late period. Especially in visa applications made after mid-March, there is an increase in the rejection rate of students. For candidates who do not apply in the early period, there is no place for an appointment at the consulate for the dates they want, and the available dates may overlap with the exams of the students.
Even if you get stuck in the name security investigation, don't run the risk of missing the program
Every year, many students are stuck in the name check application at the US consulate when applying for a visa, and since the results are announced late, they cannot go to the United States, even though all their procedures are complete. Especially if your name is one of the most common names, your risk of getting stuck in the name check is much higher. Whatever your name is, do not forget that you can get stuck in the name investigation. The conclusion of the security investigation can take between 4 weeks and 12 weeks. This may mean that if you enter the visa late, you may miss the start date of work.
Get your plane ticket cheaper
Students who register during the early registration period and get their visas early also get their plane tickets at a much more affordable price than students who register late. Air ticket prices increase as the flight date approaches, and this increase rate can reach up to 50%. If you apply for your visa early, you will also buy your ticket early and make a significant saving.
Business and travel in 6 steps
Conducting Your English Proficiency Interview
When you decide to join the Work and Travel program, we interview you to determine whether you have sufficient English to participate in the program.
Registration and completion of the necessary documents
In this step, you pay the pre-registration fee and prepare the documents that need to be prepared and send them to our company.
Making a job placement that meets your criteria
In this step, we enable you to have job interviews with relevant employers, both via Skype and face-to-face, so that you can get a job that suits your personality, expectations, and English level. As a result of this interview, our students who are placed in a job now know where and which job they will go to.
Making your visa application
In this step, we ensure that you prepare the documents required for the visa application and make your visa application.
Assistance in obtaining economical air tickets
In this step, we will assist you in obtaining your flight ticket economically
Support during the program in America
We will stay in touch with you during the entire program period, from your first trip to the United States to your return, and we will help you with any issues.
Frequently asked questions
How long to register?
Although the Work and Travel Program is a summer program, we recommend that you register early to avoid any problems during the preparation process.
Will I deduct the expenses I have made?
In this step, you pay the pre-registration fee and prepare the documents that need to be prepared and send them to our company.
Can I work in the same place with my friend group?
You can go to America on the same plane as your group of friends, stay in the same place and work with the same employer. It will be sufficient to inform us that you want to work in the same place with your friends after you register.
Can I handle my transactions before I come to your office?
As a company that sends students to the United States from different cities and even from outside Turkey with the Work and Travel program, we do not only serve our students in the city where our office is located. Thanks to the Online Student Panel, which is an interactive service platform we have developed, we give all our students the opportunity to easily complete all their transactions and track their stage-by-stage status without coming to the office. From our offices in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara, we provide the same quality service to all our students in different cities thanks to our expert friends. Remember!! When you go to America, it is important that the agent you register is not in which city, but in America there is a qualified company that can provide you with the necessary support.
What is the satisfaction rate of the participants in the program?
The Work and Travel program is the most satisfied program according to the alternatives. The proportion of students who participate in the program with the right expectations and are not satisfied is quite low. Accordingly, the satisfaction rate of students participating in the program is constantly increasing. According to consular data, Turkey is the third country in the world that sends the highest number of students to the Work and Travel program. In addition, the number of students who have previously participated and re-participated in the program is quite high. In addition, there are thousands of students who have previously participated in the program but cannot participate due to reasons such as summer school, internship, graduation October. Satisfaction with the Work and Travel program is directly proportional to the participant's expectations. It is not possible for students who participate in the program with incorrect or unrealistic expectations to return satisfied with the program. Some students see the Work and Travel program as just a language training program, or just sightseeing and entertainment, or just a money-making program, and this is wrong. Compared to the Work and Travel program alternatives, you can join with the lowest cost, get the easiest visa, work in the USA for 3 months, meet your living expenses without help from your family, then shop with the money you have left, visit a few popular cities in the USA, and even participate in the program sometimes. It is a program where you can recover some or all of your expenses and improve your English and self-confidence. Despite participating in the program with the right expectations, there are also students who are unhappy with the agency choice they have made. In order not to experience this unhappiness, an experienced and high-quality service agent should be selected.
Will I have health, accident and baggage insurance?
For every student who participates in the program, besides health insurance, accident insurance and baggage insurance are also taken out. Moreover, the insurance fee for our students is included in the program fee and the student does not need to make any additional payments. All of our students participating in the Work and Travel program are insured with a $100,000 policy by AETNA, one of the largest insurance companies in America. Health insurance covers any health problems that may occur during the program in the United States, excluding dental, mental illnesses, and pre-existing ailments and illnesses. Accident insurance covers all accidents, except for accidents under the influence of alcohol and drugs. If there is a situation that requires returning to Turkey and a companion is required, the flight ticket to and from the United States of the student's relative who will accompany the student is also covered by the insurance. The insurance is valid for the period between the student's departure to the United States and his return to Turkey. Dec. In order for the student to be covered by insurance, he must comply with the dates of departure to the United States and return from the United States that he gave us after participating in the program. In the event that the student goes to the United States earlier than the date given to us or returns later than the return date given to us, the student cannot benefit from the insurance on days outside the program period.
What should I pay attention to when choosing a work and travel consultant firm?
It is necessary to pay attention to the number of years of consultancy, reliability, experience, references, job and accommodation guarantee together, explaining the program to you realistically, working with strong institutions in America, and providing detailed information in the visa application.
How is the Work and Travel application process?
In the application, interviews are made in English and Turkish. Eligible candidates can submit final registration. You indicate your requests, such as choosing a job from our job lists or friends you want to go with. You are given the necessary documents for the file to be sent to the USA and you are asked to fill in and bring them. If you do not have a passport, you will issue a 1-year passport (burgundy). You hand over the completed documents and your passport photocopy to us. Your file goes to the USA. You will be notified when your work placement and accommodation information is confirmed from the USA. You approve and sign. You complete your payments as notified to you at the time of application. Your flight reservation is made according to your departure date. Your DS2019 form comes from the USA and preparations are made for the visa application. (You will receive one-on-one advice from us on this subject). As Turkuaz Language Education, we make your appointment for visa application. You can go to the visa interview and get your flight ticket after you get your visa.
Do I need to know English to participate in Work and Travel?
In everyday life, you should be able to speak English enough (At least Intermediate Level ) to have a dialogue with your colleagues and employer, even if with grammatical errors or vocabulary deficiencies.